Defining Mindfulness

It occurred to me that before I delve into a website committed to helping people develop mindfulness practices, that maybe I should define mindfulness. Mindfulness is intentionally being aware of and in the present moment. Recently I reviewed one of my client’s food logs. I immediately asked her had she taken a moment to sit with herself and just be mindful that week. She, admittedly, had not. I could tell because her food choices were all over the place and not in a good way. She hadn’t grounded herself and thus had no focus. She was susceptible to whatever was thrown her way. To achieve your optimal fitness and wellness goals you have to realize that this journey is more than just about how many reps you can do and at what weight. Mindfulness practices will help insure the health of your Mind, Body, and Spirit. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about developing your own Mindfulness practices.

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